Well, that's the last time I warn you that I'm coming to visit. That way you won't have a chance to go away, right Gord and Barb and Jose and Bryan? The next time it will be a maritime-ninja visit. You won't see me coming til I'm there. At least Tomiko Tina let me in. Gee, that makes me wonder if everybody else was at home? Any way, with all the wasted time running around you don't get any pictures. OK, here's a photo of Frasertown where the beer is always cold and the women are, better ask Razor about that one.

Here's one more recycled from last summer when half of the superkids visited, just to prove that white bums are in the gene pool.
Some of us do have to work for a living - we're not all people of leisure!! Will be home tomorrow, or, have you given up already! But, if you're stuck for a cold beer, Ed is always at home, poor "b" hasn't ventured forth for eons.
See, Frank, show your behind bare to the wind and people start crawling out of the woodwork to know ya! I see Deb and Gord are going to try again to set up their blog. They got frustrated the first try. (Gord and computers don't mix well.) I hope they succeed this time - I can't wait to see what they come up with. It will be hard to beat yours of course, on the entertainment value alone. We bought a new computer on the weekend (instead of fixing the old one) and should have everything up and running again. (Soon, that is.)
well, you see, the difference here is my babies bare bums are cute, and yours is, well, ....
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