The lake after the fog lifted.

It rained all night and morning. Yesterday I emptied the composting toilet and left the wheelbarrow out. It was half full of water. Today was Molly Maid day, no they won't come out here. I defrosted the fridge and found 40 meals in the freezer. Since I only eat one meal a day, I'm ok for food for a while. I do need to make one more trip to town for smokes and cat food. I need to keep George alive cause if I do run out of food, I have a recipe for chicken chow meow. JUST KIDDING! Kita is shedding already so vacuuming is now a daily job. Last year he didn't shed till July. The sun played peek a boo later in the afternoon so I went for a walk on/in the lake.

Kita is still expecting you.

I probably could go canoeing if my canoe wasn't under 3.5 feet of snow. That poor old canoe, it doesn't know that french word "portage". If it couldn't be dragged or pushed, usually full of stuff, then it didn't go. The bottom of that canoe intimately knows most of the McConnel Lakes trails.
1 comment:
Hi Frank...Dont think i will be getting down the lake to deliver your mail...I do have it...Love that pic of Kita...Gotta have that one too...Did not make it to work today...Don and I were on the road at 6am this morn and had a hard time...Don left with my car and with some crafty driv'in made it out...Was way to slick for me so i had a snow or should i say rain day!!Will make alternate plans to see that lamp...Take care and be well...See you soon...Tomiko tina ..
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