Did any of you Tomiko residents hear the lake the lake popping, cracking and booming last evening? It started at sun down and was still going on when I went to bed around midnight. I also saw a huge snow devil yesterday, it must have been a hundred feet high and a hundred feet across the top. I wasn't fast enough to get a pic of it. It hauled ass down the lake on my side of the narrows and crossed over land. I could see the top of it on the east side of the narrows and it stayed there for about 10 minutes.
Today I got down to business and finished cleaning up the generator shed. I'm getting pretty good at cleaning up, ok I'm pretty good at moving stuff around. The next clean up job is the deck, you never know when I might get some visitors. After that comes the A frame, I'm really embarrassed over that one. As soon as I can find my fire pit I'll have a bonfire.
Now it's time to get serious. It seems that Tomiko Jose has one of those new fangled super high power telescopes that can look around corners. And here I thought I was safe taking my snow showers. Now I have to share with everybody so that no one feels left out.

I'm off to town tomorrow, stupid, stupid me. I forgot that it will be Saturday. More of humanity to deal with. Kita the people person will be happy though.
doe lake randy has three daughters. he will offer 10,000 dollars cash,a free sea-doo,atv,or snowmobile of choice if anyone dares to marry one,or offer doubles for two.also one share in his camp.do you want pictures of their axes and chain saws? let me know if your interested.
WOW...I AM SPEECHLESS.....That was awesome Frank...Your most interesting entry yet???Great pics too....Your Bum sure could use some sun...Summer is just around the corner??that was quite the orginal shot Frank..Donnie and I had a good laugh...You know,you are now our entertainment here at tomiko...Keep up the awesome work cause we are so enjoying it!!Regards...T.T.
WOW! Full moon over Tomiko! What are you trying to do to an old gal! Got so excited had to cool off in a snow bank!
It has been suggested by the ethics committee that new signs be posted in the vicinity of "Frank's Bay" - "WARNING - BEWARE OF BARES". Hopefully, Tomiko Gord, of "BARE ALLEY" fame, will not be jealous of the competition from the other end of the lake. Frank, the effort put into your Blog is truly a "work of art".... or at least pictures. Couldn't believe my eyes. Beauty!!
Well, I think this post only comfirms the fact that I should be worried about you, out there (umm, literally!), all by yourself. Oh, the humanity! Oh, the nightmares I will have tonite!
Double WOW! That's a little more of my brother than I thought I would ever see - neat pic and, if I may say, a very nice butt - certainly the envy of the over 50 crowd!
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