Spring has sprung. If we didn't have 4 feet of snow, the grass would grow. Kita says it's too hot.

Check this out, Martha would be proud.

Well, at least I can move around. I found stuff I haven't seen for a long, long time. I'll thin out some stuff in the spring when I can throw it in the back of the truck.
I went down the road to check out the nearest dead fall. It's a lot bigger than I thought. You could build a house out of that tree. Maybe I'll get to it tomorrow, or not. Gotta run, time to punch down the bread.

Great job frank...and yes martha would be proud...great pic on friday nite...was hoping you would get that shot...nice day today???spring is on its way....take care and we will see you soon....
Hey Frank ... Garage looks great!! Yeah it was an awesome day, but it sucked driving back South ... I already miss it up there. I'll see you next time I'm up. Cheers.
ellia says "kita no licking!"
Wow! Martha would be proud for sure. Maybe you can hire yourself out as a garage organizer!
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