We had visitors yesterday! Kita was pretty excited. I was trying to think of a name for them and "the over the hill gang" came to mind first. I'm not sure if it is appropriate, although one individual used his machine as a fouton. Here they are leaving, picture dark to protect their anonymity .

Kita has been a little edgy lately so we went for a ride, run today. It was such a nice day that I almost went out in shorts. Bryan and Gord must have seen us coming but we did manage to trap Ed. I haven't seen Ed for a couple of years and thought I might have to drop the pants so that he would know who I was, but he recognized Kita. Kita didn't think that he liked Gypsy, the 150 lb Newfie dog. He gave one little growl and they agreed to ignore each other. We then went to check out Gord's maple sap line.

I did my income tax this morning. You would think that the Canadian Revenue Agency would provide vaseline, I bet it's not even tax deductible.
Never a dull entry Frank...Donnie and I had a very good chuckle...You never cease to amaze us with your creativity...just awesome...Oh ya,thanks for the offer to do a hospital delivery...Fortunately i did not need to go...you never know I may need to take you up on it someday...Oh ya by the way,I neglected to show you the treasures I scored from Doe Lake last nite...No Frank,I did not "five finger"these they were graciously GIVEN to me.So dont worry about locking those things up when I finally come to visit...I told you,I ask first!!!I mwikll fetch your mail tomorrow and will see you soon...Thanks for the computer help today...much appreciated....Cheers...T.T.
tomiko tina's sister karen...
Not to worry about the sunset, there will be lots more you will be able to capture. We have never met but I feel like I already know you. Really enjoying what you are doing...Keeping me in touch with whats going on up at Tomiko. Haven't been there for awhile. Looking forward to seeing some beautiful sunsets and of course meeting you sometime soon. TTSK
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