Dang dog woke me up with his old, weak bladder at 6:30. My old, weak bladder could have let me sleep in till 6:35. There was no temperature this morning. Warmed up to +4 c. I let the fire burn out around 9:00 and it is still 24 c in the cabin. There was a little freezing rain and snow early, and drizzle and fog all afternoon. I went snow shoeing today just because I don't think this old retired body gets enough exercise. I don't have those new fangled nylon and aluminum shoes that you guys have. I have the old fashioned wood, gut, and leather 4 foot long ones. I've had them for over 25 years, holy cow they are old. I wore them a lot when I used to hunt and snare rabbits in N.S. I've refinished them many times and they are still in good shape.

Kita says "Where are you? You know I only see the same old boring guy and stinky cat day after day after day..."

I know your out there some where.

I swear, if you won't come to me, I'll come to you.
HAHAHAH ... Yes I Envy you alot Frank. I just checked on Tuesday's entry. Someday I'll get up there ... patiently waiting ... That's a cool pic of the smoke over the lake!! Give Kita a pat for me and one for George as well ... if you dare!!
So you are ok...Just check on you everyday...More great pics frank....Them ole snowshoes are the best...love to use those as well...must have been a great day to snowshoe...iguess every day is a great day to snowshoe for you.!!!Will pick up your mail tomorrow...Maybe i will pop down to drop it off...oh ya must check out that lamp too...need anything just let me know ok....
Kita looks very regal - I can see the painting titled 'Dog Thinking' I haven't been on my new fangled snowshoes lately - just walking instead. After today, we probably won't have any snow left again. Come on spring!
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