Kita says "Pretty sunset, but I sure look good in this light".

Shortly after that picture was taken, Kita decided that he HAD to go to Frasertown. I hollered and stamped my feet on the rotten ice to no avail. He did sneak a couple of peeks over his shoulder, but kept on trucking.
Sun set from Tomiko Pond.

After jogging all that distance I thought I might do some visiting. The first place I went to the blinds were pulled and strange noises could be heard. I'm not sure how long those blue pills work, so I didn't knock on their door. At the next stop, Granny and Gramps were in their jammies,(7 o'clock on a Saturday night! And you thought my life was boring), so I only stayed for one Pepsi.
P.S. Grampa Frank reminds you to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
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