So off I went visiting last evening. Much like grocery shopping, it's not just hop in the vehicle and go. The snow on my 3 km driveway was soft and wet and the machine kept wanting to slide sideways off the road. There were 2 spots where water was running across the road and I had to skip across the mud. The Gibson road was in really good shape. I sledded to where the loggers plowed the Notman road and chained my machine to a float the loggers had parked there. Trailerpark Dan and his much better half picked me up there and drove me to Frasertown. I had a great time seeing humans for the first time in a couple weeks. Eventually we even had supper. Say what you want about Rich, most people do, he does a pretty good job on the old deep fryer.
Cossack Rich doing his thing. (These southerners break me up, you would think that it was cold.)

Now on to the Little Tomiko Lake crime report. It has come to my attention that somebody, we'll just call them "TT" for now, until proven guilty, is planning on removing the last little bit of manliness from somebody that we'll call "Bic" for now. It seems that "TT" wants to remove the most beautiful gun cabinet you've ever seen, that is in the best location ever, to a place that "TT" put "Bic's" boots! Now I ask you to support Prime Minister Harper's quest to bring back capital punishment as this case is the perfect example of how crime has denigrated,(look it up Rich), our society.
A beautiful gun cabinet. Every MAN should be so lucky.

Crime report #2.Whoever came up with the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", didn't own a Husky. I chained Kita to the deck last evening. Not a happy camper. He shredded a piece of carpet I had put out for him, dug a hole and buried his pillow and dug up my old water line and chewed it up. When I went outside with him this morning, every time I looked at the mess he made, he would get this real guilty look on his face.

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