Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I made it back from town with no problems. Fresh milk in the coffee tomorrow. The milk that I'm using has an expiry date of April 07. I froze it you goof. But I have been rationing it and using some of that UHT milk that doesn't need refrigeration till you open it, but it had little lumps in it. You just strain them through your teeth. Just a small price to pay to live in paradise.

The river overflowing the Gibson's road.

Kita was upset that he didn't go, he scratched up the ground and buried his water dish.

The ice breaking operation yesterday was a pretty good start. The circle is broken and half of it has drifted to the right. If I wasn't surrounded by wimps, we could have the ice gone in a couple of days.

PS1; Yes Nancy, that's me. First winter.

PS2; You all remember "Bic", who lost the battle, and hence the war. Well, it's been reported that he can no longer sleep north to south. He now wakes up with his feet hanging off one side of the bed and his head off the other. TSK,TSK

PS3; For rent, one A frame cabin for those who lost the war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Frank...nice to have seen you today....just one short note....there will be many more battles to lose...hang on... the best is yet to come!!!oh ya...Did you hear about my new pets....they are faint goats!!!now well see "who wins this battle"!!!Keep that a-frame vacant please...T.T.