Sunday, April 02, 2006

2 posts in one day again. Hot, hot, hot! Spent the whole day out side in short sleeve T shirt. I had a bonfire to get rid of some junk, split and stacked a little more fire wood and started digging out my boat. Just a note to all you poor working stiffs, even when you retire, there is still not enough hours in the day to do what you want to do. Of course if I didn't sit around drinking 4 or 5 cups of coffee in the morning, I might get more done.

I'm in a little trouble here. If you remember about a month ago I couldn't get George's diet food and got him the regular stuff which he liked too much. The last time I went to town I got him two bags of indoor formula food which he doesn't like. Maybe it's the "wholesome grains and garden greens" that dogs can pee on that he doesn't like. Hopefully he'll get to like it or supplement his diet with mice.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Suplement his diet with mice, various small woodland creatures and any children lost in the woods it sounds like.