Monday morning.

Meet Jake, the newest resident of Tomiko, also known as Jocko to some.

Kita welcomes Jocko.

With my sometimers, it's hard to remember what I did , when. Sunday was a real crappy day, I think. Blustery winds and blowing snow, then it cleared up at sunset. Gee, it's pretty much dark at 5 o'clock now. Yesterday was an awesome day. This week I'm helping the super get ready for winter. Yesterday we did some wiring on the grader and maintenance on our wood splitters. Then Razor cooked up some burgers, fries and perogies for supper. Sometimes I think that if Razor didn't have the cooking gene, Tomiko Tina would just waste away.
Jocko, I mean Jake, is fitting in well at Tomiko. He is one cute puppy. And smart too. Kita gave him the little "I'm too damn old to run around and chase you" growl and Jake understood right away. Too bad Bear wasn't that smart. Gotta run now and head to Frasertown.
C, that is a stop sign on my drive way to keep the one or two people, who manage to find my driveway, away. It's more polite than shooting at them.
The debate is still "raging" -whether to open the Liquor Stores on Sunday or not. Let's give them another 20 years on that, shall we?
Cuuute puppy!
Your Sunday sky looked ominous!
I guess there will be NO Trick or Treaters at your door tonight!
Very cute puppy and really gross snow! It is way to early for that.
Hi Frank:
Its Tinas sister..She lead me to this blog and its awesome...Like to know whats going on in heaven..Your pictures are awesome..Keep up the good work.
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