Sun rise today.

The ripples are from fish jumping. For the past week or so, the fish have been jumping a lot, probably fattening up for winter.

What a great start to the work week, chuckle, chuckle.

Actually, I probably accomplished more than you did, you over paid bums, especially you boobs at "Frantic". First I dug out the Yammie. It was buried under enough stuff that I might use for the next three or four reincarnations. Then I washed the Notman road off of it. If you remember, the last time I used it, I drove it down the bare gravel road for a mile or so. Then I drained my backup water system and refilled it and replaced filters on the new system. Then I installed a gable vent on the cabin. I have a ridge vent but it is starting to get banged up from clearing snow off of it. So now I won't have to worry about it. Then I loaded the truck up with propane tanks, gas tanks and a couple of weeks of garbage cause I have to go to town tomorrow. I have an appointment with a sadistic lady, a dental hygienist. I have to go to eight or nine places tomorrow, so stay out of my way. The only thing left to do is make a grocery list and put it in the truck so I won't forget it in the morning. I think that "losing it" is contagious.
Sure, the fish are jumping now!Frank, I guess they were too shy before. Your pics are as great as ever. It sounds like your anxious for winter to arrive. You must be envious of Fort Erie, huh?
Great to read the banter going on with Eastern Passage, too.
The plastic scrapers could be heard this morning, "ssskrraaaping" across the glass windshields this morning as I puffed and sipped my kickstart concoctions this morning! Bless global warming, 'cause that's it for us, for now. More rain in the forcast later in the week.
What kind of dead bird was that you said would be supper one of these days? Quail? Is it oily like duck? We have partridge here. I have two chickens from the SuperStore roasting in the oven...as I type. Shirley and her sister Carol are coming for supper tomorrow... night - after work.
When is day light saving??? Soon it is going to be dark when I get up and dark when I get home. Sigh...
Oh, I forgot to say "Good luck at the dentist!" I am so glad to read that even the happily retired need to make that list a place it in an obivious place in order to enure remembrance!
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