I had a great time at thanksgiving dinner last night. Thanks, Josee and Ed and Brian and June and Catherine and Jamie and........Alanna and..........(sometimers)...Thanks everybody. Those Brits can cook Canadian too! Turkey, ham and all the fixin's. I have enough left overs to last me a week. (see Cathy?) Today I started loading up the wood shed to work off some of that supper. I was doing real good until the mayor and superintendent showed up and made me drink some more barleyade, but today was a perfect day for that too.
Gotta go now, my eyes are getting buggy, I've been here for an hour and a half trying to post pics.
P.S. See ya next weekend TTSK, and Berlin and you too Shirley!!!
I tried one more time and it is working.
Crikey!, look at the size of Josee's blue jay.

I think they are peeking at my buns.

Beautiful table.

Sun set from the Fowler's.

The moon rising right over the Fowler's house.

7 am from my dock.

A Whiskey Jack visiting at my back door.

1 comment:
What kind of bird is a whiskey jack? Like a jay?
Can't talk long, I've got postin' to the blog to do.
Love your diet. Eggs done anyway, yummm, scrambled with ketchup, OKayyyy! And who doesn't like potatoes? (People who prefer rice, I would guess.) Archie's kibble tastes like a faux porridge, so add a little milk and brown sugar. My favourite breakfast food! You can eat Purina Pate if you like, but I'll skip that.
I've started the recipe book...You Can Retire and Eat, Too!
Can u tell I really bought into your enthusiasm? However, before I had finished my letter of resignation, I had this nagging thought that this is all too easy. Then I knew! You forgot the Can of Worms that goes with this Diet...Ugh!
Although thoughts of Lemon Meringue pie keeps dancing around in my head..hard to resist!
You all look like you had a feast! I hope a great time was had by all!
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