This is one of the solar lights that I put in the narrows. When I first put it there, the bottom of the can was out of the water. Then we lost all that water, but you can see how much rain we've had the past month or so.

I had a great time with Shirley, TT and TTSK yesterday. I almost learned how to sew, but alas, we had technical difficulties. Shirley out did herself with supper again. Roast pork and sweet potatoes, and something called yuckini? No allergic reaction so far. And apple and cherry pie, and I also got to bring some home. (see, C, it all starts with a cat). And great after supper conversation, except for the two duds, ungrateful so and sos that they are.
This morning I started making new bunks for the boat trailer. I guess I'll have to think about taking the boat and dock out some day soon. I didn't get the bunks on the trailer cause the snow was going down the back of my neck.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to the bachelorette's for a bread making course.
Yuck - is that really snow? It seems way to early for that!
So. I'll be along for that Black Cat, by and by. Tell George to pack his bags! My suit of armour is out of moth balls! Cat vomit? No problem. Been there, done that. Cat poop? Been there and done that, too! I have graduated to doggie vomit and poop, so bring him on!
I wouldn't go to such extremes, except that I BELIEVE, oh, YES! I do that George is the key to happiness!
Helloooo, Georgie...be very afraid...
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