TT's big fat....bole.

A halo for Kita.

22 degrees today. My screened in deck is full of lady bugs and house flies. One of the wonders of the world, mosquitoes do not get in, but these big bugs do.

We took out the Frasertown marina last evening. The superintendent wore his wet suit. No pic, something about a bullet and a backhoe. But the mayor did say that his buns looked tight.
C: My camera is a Nikon D70 with a 18-70mm lens. One disadvantage is that you can't just shove it in a pocket. Another problem is that dirt has gotten inside the zoom lens and I haven't figured how to get it out, with out sending it back to the factory.
Thanks for the camera info.
Any offers come in on that good looking well-mannered dog that showed up? If he's about 12 years old and deaf as a post, he may not get too many offers...
Oh, my...I just had THE MOST depressing thought! What if it weren't a dog being discussed... I'm well-mannered and just a little hard of hearing...Does that mean, oh, no, don't tell me...
Is it possible my eye sight fails me and I have the wrong dog?
The cliche queen says "that's what you get for speaking before thinking, putting the mouth in gear before putting the brain in gear..."
Yikes, she's annoying...listen, here she goes again..."hindsight is 20/20...you are only as old as you feel...one heel on the banana peel...age is just a state of mind"
I could give her a piece of my mind! If I had one...
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