Just another nice day on Tomiko.

Not much to report today. Gotta start my buns soon for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner. I wonder if we are having haggis, or is that the other people with the funny accent?
Yes, Cathy, the more you work, the more it sucks. All bosses are idiots, even (especially?) if you are self employed. 2012? (2012 - 2006, carry the 2 + 1/2) ouch my head hurts, That is like forever away. You can retire now and live cheap. First, get youself a cat. Then you can buy dry cat food legally. Cat food and milk makes a nice breakfast. Then for supper, give your dog half a can of food and fry up the other half with eggs or potatoes and lots of ketchup. When you want some people food, just whip up some buns and people will invite you over for a real deal meal. What else do you need? As long as you can pay your sin taxes and get the occasional bag of Doritos, life is good. Good luck with that.
All the pictures are awesome...Keep up the good work.
Isn't the moon spectacular this cycle? Wow! Love your pictures! I'm going to post mine, but promise not to laugh!
Can't talk long today - The 2 mothers in law are coming, along with Rose Chaffey. I have to drag out the best china and make sure the silver isn't tarnished.
The fall pics are fantastic, beautiful colours, we aren't that lucky down here. The trees are just starting to change - but not colour like on Tomiko - I can't wait too see it in person (5 more sleeps!)
See you soon,
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