Yesterday "they" promised a good solar day and it started out looking good.

But this was the only hole in the clouds all day.

This morning started out looking good, but again cloudy all day.

I think they are burning slash on the new Notman road.

The only problem with posting every second day is trying to remember what happened. Which reminds me of an old joke.
1st old man, "Do you know what I hate about getting old?"
2nd old man, "What?"
1st old man, "What?"
Yesterday morning Kita and I were out side when he took of into the bush behind the A frame. I saw a squirrel run so I didn't think any thing about it. A few minutes later I heard him barking like a beagle. I thought, moose he could be gone for a few hours, a deer he could be gone all day, a bear ???? So I started running down the drive way. I caught up to them near Sand lake and noticed he was chasing some thing small, a skunk?, a porcupine? I stopped running, huffing and puffing and wheezing, and used my loudest sign language to get Kita to come. The small thing jumped into a deep puddle and took up a defensive position. By now the pounding blood was receding from my eyes and the bifocals were finally working. It was an otter. It tried to bite Kita on the nose, but he was quick enough to back up. Kita finally heard my sign language and went straight home by himself.
Later in the afternoon we visited with Jack and Linda and got a bag of lightly used news papers so I have some thing to read.
Today I defrosted the fridge. I figured if the sliding shelves don't slide, it might be time to defrost. I also had to vacuum again. With all the slush and mud, it seems that Kita and George don't wipe their feet and leave dirty boot tracks every where.???
This weekend Shirley is off to Florida for fun in the sun for the winter. Shirl, I do not want to see any tan lines when you get back!
Maybe when the parents send you the xmas lobster I am demanding they send you they can send some of that famous n.s. sunshine????
Jason, I think he should have gone to Florida with Shirley and worked on his own tan lines!
Frank last night we made your buns recipes ,they turn out jus perfect tank you very much for exchanging recipes . Fern & Germ
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