Aunt Bessie having her morning "coffee". You DO NOT SEE the bottle of port!

Aunt Bessie and Gord finally leaving the cold, cold north.

I had a really nice, but too short visit with Aunt Bessie and Gord. Don didn't come because of back problems. I might have to go down and throw him and his bed in the back of my truck to get him up here. Aunt Bessie didn't make me any bread, but she did bring me one. She said my bread was ok. I hope that they come back when the weather is nicer and we can get out and terrorize Little Tomiko. It seems too quiet here now.
While I was at Frasertown seeing them off, I met my future wife. She has no problem with the cooking, cleaning and chopping wood. But we are still negotiating the cat puke part. But she says that she has a recipe for chicken chow meow. She's the one who didn't pass on the cooking gene. I hear that she makes a super prostitute pie. As an engagement gift I received a bag of fudge! I'm eating it right now, and no, there won't be any left overs.
PS: The North Bay Kelly's have moved out of their house and into their cabin. Welcome to Little Tomiko as permanent resedents. So now we can call them the Tomiko Kellys. They hope to start construction on their new mansion in a couple of weeks.
1 comment:
And a grand time we had! Thanks Frank, we appreciated your hospitality. Mom loved the set-up. Obviously she learned a valuable lesson- to check the table in front of her before having her picture taken. She's got some 'splaining to do! especailly to John.
Don called just after we got home and is going to do whatever he can to get well enough to come up.
He felt bad that he had to bail out at the last minute but what can you do.
I'm forwarding your site to Kystal so Don can see the pics.
Take care
Gord & Aunt Bessie
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