I looked out the window this morning to check on Kita. He was on the dock in full alert mode, nose up sniffing the air. I wasn't too concerned as he was looking across the lake. About half an hour I looked out but didn't see him. I slipped on my sandals and went out side. Kita was barking up the road. I looked around the corner and he was trying to play with a calf moose. I ran back and got the camera. As I got closer, the calf, and Kita would move farther away. I tried to catch Kita but we ended up traipsing through the bush. I saw the mother moose, but didn't get a picture as I thought it would be a good idea to put a tree between us as she charged me. I went back home and changed my wet socks and put on a pair of boots. I could hear Kita barking farther down the road, so I hopped in the truck and went searching for him. I caught up to him near Sand lake, but he didn't want to get in the truck. I had to use the loudest sign language I know to get him to sit down so I could grab him.

The pot luck was a big success last evening, nobody died from my buns: THE BREAD BUNS!
Razor's Lube and Grill

Here's the birthday boy.

A group shot inside Razor's L&G. If you don't see yourself, it's because I respected your privacy, considering the APB's and warrants.

After supper, some of the more hardy people had a night cap around the camp fire.

Sun set at the Frasertown Marina.

The young, missing girl has been located. It is now known that she was not abducted, but that she was a stalker who searched out young, innocent men to be her subservient slaves.