We got a little snow last night, about 25 cm they say. With all the wind, some of the drifts are deeper than your crotch. I had to go out this morning and clear out the door ways while it was still snowing. The propane tank is waiting for the next trip to town. The afternoon turned out to be nice and sunny.

I noticed the birch trees are in bud already.

Progressing slowly on the water reno. I had a few battles with the old 60 gallon tank, but I won the war and it's now sitting out on my back step. I think I'll take the rest of the afternoon off and watch the ladies hockey game.
Sounds like you deserve a rest - all that shoveling and renovations - phew, I'm tired just reading about it!
grr.. surely, you mean the *woman's* hockey game. 'lady' is one of those words that piss me off. a 'lady' is a stuck up old priss, a *woman* is a smart, strong, infinitely fabulous person. i am a woman, i never want to be a lady!
deep breath, okay, done my lil rant for today.
How about that WOMEN'S hockey team! Go Canada go!
it's a sad (read: tired) day when i can't even be snarky and still use proper spelling and grammar, huh?
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