I went to visit my truck today in preparation for a trip to town tomorrow. I have to get propane, drinking water, mix for my 7up and some fittings to finish the water system. And dog food, don't forget the dog food dummy. The snow on the lake is about 2 feet deep, with deeper drifts. Kita would get up to speed and run into a drift and come to a plowing stop. After a few of these, he just slowed to a trot. There is some slush deep down and when we got home Kita had some ice balls frozen to his feet. I tried to help him take them off but he hates any body touching his feet. Speaking of the dog, I need to teach an old dog a new trick. With all the deep snow, his patrol trails and trails to his "out house" are deeper than he is tall. Let's just say that he needs to learn how to use toilet paper. I bet you never thought that snow would cause that problem, did you.
Just checking on ya Frank...Was nice to see you today...You took some more awesome pics... would like to have one of these too...Heads up for log trucks tomorrow..these can be a bit tricky...See you soon...
Nice pictures again - we've lost our snow but are suffering the bitter cold! Gary's got a full time job stuffing wood in the stove.
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