The sun popped out this afternoon. Kita will sometimes sit for hours and stare across the lake. I have no idea what he is looking at, or waiting for.

Okay, I have to type fast. I've been knocked off the net once already and yesterday I got heck for posting my blog a little late. Fans? I wonder if there is such a thing as blog bunnies. Any way, I watched the hockey game this morning. Weird watching a game with a hot coffee instead of a cold one. Then I managed to tip the cabinets over and cut the bottom off. Thanks for all the tips. I used a hand saw. Yes Jack, people still use hand tools.
I am a fan, I wouldn't say blog bunny, but five me a few cold ones during a canada game and who knows.
perhaps he's thinking "where the hell IS everyone around here????"
you know how much he likes people!
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