Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Moon through the snow. Yeah, I know, it's getting harder to come up with original pics.
I've got a mess going on now. I managed to reinforce the floor in the porch with everything still in there. But today I put down new vinyl so everything except for two wardrobes had to come out. The wardrobes can't fit through the door. While trying to get the vinyl under the cabinets, I found a new problem. The ceiling slopes down to the wall and with raising the floor 2 inches, the cabinets now won't go back to the wall. Don't laugh! Now I have to figure out how to cut 2 inches off of the bottom, without being able to tip them over.
Maybe a chain saw will work.


the Mailman Family said...

How about cutting the top on a slant to match the slope of the roof? Gary's suggestion is to go and have a smoke break - worked for the surrond sound!

Jason said...

Have you tried my two solutions that seem to work, tough love and/or duct tape?

Michelle said...

don't laugh? oops, we all already did! a chain saw might be a bit of over kill, no? can't you empty them out, tip them over and use a jigsaw?