Light fog at 6:30 am

Here's another momma merganser and her brood off the dock.

This small mouth bass hung out around the dock for a half an hour. He could obviously see me and would scoot off when I moved, but always came back.

This afternoon.

With all the work that I've done the last week or so, I thought I would lighten the load today. I changed the oil in the generator and lawn mower. Then I mowed. I HATE mowing. As I said to Linda yesterday, if you told a farmer to plant a crop, work on it every week, but you couldn't eat it or sell it, the farmer would call you nuts. That's when I remembered that Jack is a retired farmer, and he has mowed his lawn three times already. When we bought this property, one of the things that I liked the best was that there was not one blade of grass. But over the years, the Devil's seed has blown in from other cottagers planting lawns. It now takes about an hour to mow.
Gary would trade you in a minute - it takes him over a day to mow all our grass - though he did buy a brand new Club Cadet last week so it's a little more fun now!
We'll trade our yard full of dandylions for a truckful of your grass in sods...
Or one of your sun filled days for two days of our rain, wind and fog...
Tell George I caught his act a few Blogs back. He definitely looks retired!
Kita, on the other hand...takes his job serioiusly!
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