2 shots at 5:45 am, thanks again, Kita.

Mid morning.

Mid afternoon.

I got the water and power lines and the heat tape inside the 2 inch pipe today. The lobster buoy on the left marks the pump. The other float is just holding a rope that I used to drag the pump out. I have never seen the deer flies so bad. I had to wear the bug jacket, even when I went into the water. Tomorrow I'll make the connections in the cabin and test it out. I also have to check the trench to make sure that it is sloping towards the lake.

On Monday, the water was touching the bottom of the dock.

Note to Cathy: Yup, I saw the comment, and agree with the logic, more bang for the buck. I haven't forgotten about the blogger stuff. I'll get to it after I finish drowning myself with this water system. By the way, would John be gnomish or ghoulish? Or maybe foolish? Sometimes, I make myself break up!
So what kind of "pop" do you want me to bring when I visit? Dark or white "pop"?
Frank, your comments are linked to your email like Margaret's - right?
Oh if only you could market your inherited Newfie wit! This Blog is popular if your counter is any indication. Got any ideas??
And it's a good thing John doesn't read blogs. I fear he would like to let you have it with all of his Newfie (inherited) wit. Could be quite the showdown. All things being equal!!!
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