Wednesday evening.

6 am yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon.

Kita watching for rocks while were going through the narrows because the water is getting lower. My boat is now almost lower than the bottom of the dock. If it gets any lower, I hope whoever broke the dam comes over to help me drag the boat into the dock.

Yesterday I had planned to test the system up to the pressure tank. But, yeah that cloud again, the valve I have has a drain on it and I didn't notice when I bought it that the drain plug was missing. Luckily I did notice before I installed it and made a mess. Jack went to town and picked up a plug for me. So, hopefully I'll have it up and running today.
7.8 degrees this morning with fog on the lake. The battery died in my camera this morning, hopefully it will recharge before the fog lifts.
Jason; White.
Cathy; Nope, not linked to email. I'm afraid John would be out gunned in a battle of wits.
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