Last evening Jason and I went to supervise the Kelly's new shack construction.

This was about half an hour before a thunder storm hit.

We've had this bunny showing up the past couple of evenings. Luckily, for the rabbit, Kita and George have been inside.

A beautiful day today.

Jason and I got an emergency phone call from the Kelly's today. It seems that after we stopped supervising last evening, someone back filled a part of the foundation that shouldn't have been. Of course Dan is gallivanting around British Columbia some where, so Jay and I went over and shoveled it out so the block layers could get back to work.
Jay might be leaving tomorrow morning, although he is liking these northern women. They can split wood, dig foundations, and a couple of them can even cook!
Welcome Frank S., keep in touch.
Welcome Rudy, I was just showing Jason your place this afternoon. I'll take a photo the next time I'm over that way.