Sun up this morning. It's too bad that the iridescence doesn't come through.

Kita is still depressed.

Lots of butterflies yesterday.

What happens when two squirrels, doing the dirty, find themselves in a screened in deck with a twenty pound cat? More work for me, that's what happens. I'll spare you the further details for those of you who think that cows come wrapped in plastic.

I spent the whole day cleaning up out side yesterday. It seemed that every tree I went behind that there was something hidden there. There is now a mountain of junk behind the garage. The forecast is for rain the next four days, so I'll work to down size the cabin and garage some more.
They are calling for a high of -8 on Thursday. Last week Barb called looking for my guess for the ice out pool. There was three feet of open water on my shore, so I picked the fourteenth or fifteenth. That night it froze back over and has been frozen ever since.
OK, here's the sun up pics, right side up. Happy April's Fools day.

Dear Maharishi Swami Hermit, Sir!
2 Sermons? Back to back? See, I wasn't expecting this! I'm late! Before signing on and sending you money, I think I should have found out what it takes to get excommunicated!
I see that I'm not the only one. Gee, Swami, you got us all! Does that mean we are all excommunicated?
Perhaps, I can ingratiate myself into being reinstated. I understand that blood rushing to the head could be good for depression. Kita should practice the upside down thing once a day. This could help to keep his testosterone from getting the best of him. Far too much testosterone at church central, if you ask me! Oops, I guess you didn't ask!)
Swami? Why is it that testosterone driven individuals hide stuff behind trees and then spend countless hours removing it?
That is probably what is wrong with that butterfly. I've seen him around before!
Have I sucked up enough yet? The CQ has been telling me ALL weekend, NO PAIN, NO GAIN! I don't always get it! Perhaps you do, Swam...
Got to go, bye
Please take "Got to go, bye", to read, AMEN...
Swami Suzuki,
Happy April Fool's Day.
When does Katastrophically Kute Kita get out off HIS chain gang? When the ice melts? At least leave HIM a few Playboy mags.
Today has been a great day to do inside stuff.
Getting less morose, as the full moon passes. All of that howling has also helped.
Shalom Sheila
Geez - I thought I was cracking up - or better still that you were cracking up - I'm wondering "Why is he posting pictures upside down?" or "Are they really upside down or am I looking at them the wrong way?" Brains over 50 get very fragile and should be handled with care!
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