To thank the Blessed White Virgin Snow Queen's bountiful gift, I decided to build an idol in Her honour.

I think I got the proportions just right.

YES! Beautiful white snow. What a wonderful sight, especially when you don't have to be crammed into a cubicle at 8 in the morning.
On Tuesday I split a bunch of maple and white birch by hand. I knew those Karate lessons would come in handy. (Yeah Tim, I'm that good. Too bad the witty gene was all wore out by the time it got to you) On Wednesday I finally dragged the rest of that yellow birch out. I had to use the gas splitter on it. I think the longest straight grain in it was about 3 inches. The splitter didn't really split it, more like tore it up.
Sis, not bird or mouse blood.
Sheila, you know you could be excommunicated for blasphemous thoughts like that. The Fakir says "Take ye outside and make a snow angel".
Jose, I hope Ed really enjoyed MY steak. May be I'll be over soon on the Yammie.
Fakir Swami! I'm speechless! Your talents know no bounds! Every snow idol should sport a hat! Could become the latest thing in what to wear when one is a firtility icon!
By that I guess you are claiming some higher level of wit in your DNA?
Shows you don't understand either wit or genetics!
Just kidding! but there's wit for ya!
Great little SnowMAN, but where are the zaftig proportions of the SNOW GODDESS you are paying tribute to? Methinks you got the shape wrong. You could cook some spaghetti for her hair. Her arms should reach up to the heavens, her body should be generous, (somewhat like mine!),and you could drape her with a blanket (toga fashion), with a saucy scarf to complete the ensemble.
Oh, Great Snow Goddess,
Forgive Frank, the Shaman,
"He knows not what he does."
Please do not strike him down with extra humid summer days.
Prayin' fer ya...
Shalom Sheila
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