Two geese landed on the ice the other day. What day, you say? I don't know. Some time between the last sermon and this one.

I was almost out of water, so instead of driving all the out the Notman road and all the way back in the Sand Dam road, I decided to go to town and get some there. There are wolf tracks all over the Notman.

The Tomiko river.

When I got to town around 9:00, things were pretty slow. Around noon, when I left, there were many, many humans racing around. You all know my thoughts on many of the humans in the human race. I have a prepaid card for water at Brewsky's. I show up at 10:00. Sign says open at 10:00 on Saturdays. At 10:15 I go pick up some other stuff around town. At 11:30 I go back to Brewsky's and they are still closed. ^%#$@#%. So, all the way out to Frasertown and make Razor have a "pop" break from cutting fire wood.
Tomiko River. Isn't that the same spot someone referred to as Duscheney (sp)Falls?
You'da thunk that ALL the retail stores would have been open today! Brewsky's were closed! Shocking! Not good business practice from a capitalistic perspective, not at all...
Hey Frank,
Surrounded by all that water and not a wink to drink! The ironies of life.
I didn't know that you could get water at Brewski's. Does it have hops in it?
It was a veritable labyrinth of rats in a maze in town today. That's why I waited till 4:30 pm to venture out. Crazy.
Well, one thing to look forward to with Oldtimer's Disease. I can hide my own Easter eggs soon.
Catcha on the flip side.
Shalom Sheila
Thanks, Sheila for the LOL. Oh, that was good for my soul!
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