After a week of little sunshine the sky started clearing Monday evening. Yesterday was a nice day. I think I got a bit of sun burn while splitting wood in just a T shirt.

I like watching the sun rise and set putting shadows across the lake. You don't get that effect in August, do you?.

I was invited out for Easter supper at Jose's Monday but didn't go because of the condition of the driveway. I should have asked if they had delivery.
The lake level looks like it's up a little. Don't panic, it will go down to the level of the beaver dam. We also wouldn't want to use bloated bodies to plug up holes in the dam, would we? They just came out with the long range forecast and they are calling for a hotter, drier summer than normal.
C, yup, O neg, the universal donor, I could give you my blood. Would you give me yours? No, I didn't think so.
Sheila, Sometimes it hurts my brain just to write sermons. I could probably write letters, I mean articles for Penthouse, though.
Loved this post. The pix were so good, especially the shadows on the lake.
Do you have a hard copy of all of your posts? My friend could bind them for you, and you could use them as a fundraiser for whatever you wish. Your brain doesn't have to do any more. It's already done. Just a thought for you to contemplate cause you are really a witty guy.
I didn't get to Jose's either. Have been feeling too down and reclusive lately. My Canadian Lit daughter quoted from The Wasteland, last night, saying, "April is the cruelest month." There is definitely something to that.
Love the sunny cold days. Sure hope you are right about the DRY, hot summer. DRY is good.
That bird was beautiful. Keep posting lots of pictures. It reminds me of Lake Obabika so much where everything is beautiful, no matter what the weather.
Carpe Diem!
Shalom Sheila
You know your windows are clean when . . . poor birdie! About the blood on the carpet - if it happens again and George doesn't lick it all up - try white vinegar. That works for me when we have bird or mouse blood on our carpets. So, again - why do we think we need to have these cats??
Oh, Great Sensei Swami Warlock Wizard!
You be oh so powerful and you be keepin' da winter here bigtime! What we have to do to appease da great swami to git us some sun and a tad of spring?
Shalom Sheila
Frank, the bird was a little Pine Siskin. How they survive the winter is beyond me. We missed you at dinner. Ed ate your steak the next day for lunch. I never thought about delivery - 10% off if you pick-up though. Hope to see you as soon as you can get your boat launched. Cheers. Jose
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