Doc, maybe we'll finally meet soon, just don't ask me to cough.

I'll start posting pics of the camps on the lake, they all look like they made it through the winter ok.

The temps have been in the 20's the last few days with lots of sun. While out in the boat I thought that this spring thing is ok. Maybe not as much fun as the Yammie, but I can live with it.
The Grasshopper is slowly adjusting to life in the bush, but I think it will take a few more days to get the fog and smog out of her soul. Her lessons are going well, so far she has learned to do dishes (real ones, not paper), laundry and cook supper. It's a long, rough road to enlightenment. The only problem so far is that I've had to eat something called broccoli and brussel sprouts
Tim, we have walleye and small mouth in our lake. I don't know too much about props. But Michelle might be able to help you out. She worked at the North Bay Arts center for a few years.
Sheila, if you come back as a toilet seat, I'll be all over that.
Coming back as a toilet seat has its pros. Aside from staying in the FLOW of things, I know that I will be FLUSH with excitement, on a REGULAR basis.
As well, the UPS and DOWNS of life will be symbolically evoked by the toilet seat that YOU will be all over.
I will be expediting the RELEASE of tensions and creating a big STINK with people, a great attention-getter.
Just to make sure I get some respect, I will be sure to CLOG up, from time to time. Then we'll see if global warming is more important than a good bathroom facility!
Let's not forget that the toilet is the last outpost of independence for many a harassed parent.
The power, utility, symbolism and indispensable quality of being a toilet seat in my next incarnation is simply too much to resist.
Isn't that more riviting than wearing a thong to hold up your hemmoroids?
Catcha on the flip side...
Shalom Sheila, reporting live from the SEAT of the THRONE.
well, you must be going crazy out in the bush.. i never worked with props.. only sound, lighting, load in/out.
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