Kita and I went for a walk this morning. There were 4 grouse drumming for business between my gate and the first turn. If a tree falls in the forest, does it fall across my driveway? Luckily, not this one.

Kita was really interested in these fresh bear tracks. With cowardice being the better part of valor, we turned around and whistled all the way home.

I can't walk on the water anymore. No, it's not the holes in the feet, that's the other guy.

I wonder if getting a boat ready has the opposite effect of buying a grader and a new snow machine?
Tim; I can insult anybody I want, my blog my rules. Oops, that was your blog. Any way, if you weren't dyslexic, or is that schizophrenic?, you would be able to read a very simple statement.
!sselecirp s'taht ?cixelsyd
I was kidding, no need to get nasty and make personal attacks! (again, kidding)
when referring to the inlaws on the "mother planet" (mother ship, you meant, maybe?) "their" was the right word not "the" inlaws.
I may have several personalities; but they all use good grammar. Who said that?
I'll try keep the humor a bit more pedestrian in the future. So as not to get you all riled up! again just kidding.
hi frank, your electric motor and jambonied fog light for your boat is ready. absolutely no warranty on both items. regards,razor.
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