Friday, April 27, 2007

Well, I've been a little slow on the blogging lately, been busy with the schooling.

Tuesday evening.

On Tuesday the Grasshopper had her first boat lesson. Here she feels the need for speed.

Some cabins.

Hey Richie, the dock is still there. As if your new boss will let you see it this summer.

I suppose you guys will come up when the temperature reaches 90 degrees American.

On Wednesday we went to town. Because the driveway is still mushy, we decided to leave the truck at Linda's, so Grasshopper had to drive and park the boat all by herself. She did a real good job, no damage to the boat or dock. We spent the whole day in town, a new experience for me. I've been learning too. I've learned that you are not supposed to fill up the washer and sit on the lid to keep it closed. You actually have to sort clothes by colour!(?)

Yesterday we went for a boat ride down the river and checked out the beaver dam that controls the water level in the lake. It's in good shape and the water should go down a couple more inches over the next week or so. Then we went to meet the Kelly's and pick up the mail. Today we are going to see TT, Keesha, and Jocko, I mean Jake.

That's it for today, TTFN.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a picture of the cabin. Yes, it'll be a while before we are able to get up to the beautiful Little Tomiko, but in the meantime, we definitely enjoy your amazing pictures of the lake! Keep up the good work.
See you in the summer...

The Szymanski Family

Anonymous said...

Fabulous pictures, Frank. Glad to see you welcoming spring and not being such a poopnose about it!
