This morning.

Later this morning. -25, dead calm with wood smoke drifting across the lake.

Yesterday I finished stacking the yellow birch. I still have about half of that tree to cut up. Last evening Kita and I went to the Kelly's for a surf and turf supper. Life is tough on the Tomiko, you make do with what you got. On the way over, we went through some slush. There was enough water that on the way back, Kita hit perfectly smooth ice and skated for a few yards. He normally likes to run on the ski doo track because it is packed down. But, after his skate, he would stop and walk carefully around the icy spots.
We have had two really great solar days. The solar controller is even in "pulse width modulation" mode. I would explain it to you, but your head really would explode. Let's just say that the batteries are as full as they can get. This hasn't happened since October, I think.
This afternoon we'll go to Frasertown to get some drinking water.
What's with the exploding head comment x's 2?
If you would care to take a moment, or two, I would like to know the particulars when you have more solar power than you batteries can store.
I think my feeble brain can handle it! SO TRY ME!
Geez, Frank, is it too late to delete that comment above? Wow, I think I jumped the gun, so to speak, thinking you thought that MY head might be the exploding kind! Certainly you are referring to someone else! How silly of me!
My head might fall off because screws do come loose, but explode? No, not my head!
Still hope to get the explanation on solar power inventory overload and the technology in your possession that works for you!
If I suck up and say "Pretty Please?"
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