Sun rise yesterday.

Sun set last evening.

Strange weather...-18 yesterday morning, up to -10 during the day but the thermometer in the sun read 0, a really nice solar day. -20 at midnight last night and -7 this morning and +2 right now. They are calling for rain/snow tomorrow and +4.
Today I started planting trees to mark the trail to Frasertown. I didn't take the sled because I wasn't sure about the ice. I filled up the sleigh with boughs and headed out. The ice is between 2 and 6 inches with slushy areas. We had made it to the little bay when Kita decided he was going to the Kelly's for a visit. !@#$#@!@# he is fast! I wasn't about to walk that far so I went back and got my sled and raced over and got him back. I tied Kita to the sleigh but he wouldn't pull it. I brushed out the over land trail and started walking to Frasertown but stopped when the slush got ankle deep and the ice sounded like it was cracking. The ice off of Richie's is about 2 inches thick, but not very solid. I think it is ok for a snowmobile, if you taped your thumb down on the throttle. Where's Richie when you need him? I'm not saying that he is a crash test dummy, but who would miss him?
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