Kita playing lifeguard for Mr. Slates ice fishing crew yesterday. Good thing that they didn't come over here for a visit as I had open water on my shore.

The shore froze over enough so that I could replant the tree over the water pump, but not enough to ski doo on.

Pretty quiet around here. Yesterday I made little ones out of big ones(kindeling). Today just Molly Maid stuff and bread. Blogger is really slow so good bye.
Geez, I see that a cold snap is coming your way! Tonight we might even get snow! Even as it is, as your pictures show, you have more "winter" than we do! Let's get back to normal! (What ever that is!)
This seems to be an extraordinary time. (Extraordinary, but boring...) Looking back on this time last year, it was WAY different. A lifetime ago...
PS In that picture of the Seniors dancing, I looked for you. Standing behind someone were you??? I can't believe you were camera shy...
We've got a tiny bit of snow here now and a skim of ice on the pool - crazy weather! I wonder if it will get cold enough for ice fishing down here - we usually pick up some business from that in February and March. The open waters here don't look too promising.
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