Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy 1st birthday, Nova!

Monday morning.

Monday evening.

So I went to town this morning. Left the house at 8:00 and back by 1:30 with 10 stops. No idiots to report, maybe they are learning to stay out of my way. The lake is slushy again. It's not too bad unless you have to slow down to see where your dog is, or if your sleigh is full of a month's worth of groceries. The weather has been just so wierd lately. One or two days comfortable (-20 or less) and then a bunch of hot days. It is -2 right now. How can you make good ice like that? It's supposed to go back to the -20's for the next couple of days. There still isn't enough snow for the snowmobile trails to open. Well, I'm too tired to babble on. That trip just sucks all the energy out of me.

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