After we chatted on Monday, Kita and I toured this end of the lake.
The Weicker's.

Almost time for a trip up north Dave and Sharon.

Not much snow here either.

The Birkby homestead.

Haven't seen you all winter Pickeral Queen. Maybe you can drag the old man out.

Nice paint job Rob.

The Glenn's.

I didn't know that squirrels were carnivorous. This one is eating chicken fat soaked bread.

I know, I should have cleaned off your solar panels. But, it's not my fault. You know I have sometimers, so you should have reminded me. They are calling for snow for the next few days, so I'll clean them off after that, if I remember. Did I tell you that I have sometimers?
It's another good solar day. Clouds are moving in from the west, though. I think that this is the fourth posting in a row on solar power only. I have been using the generator to talk to you since I started posting every second day 'cause we weren't getting much sun and I can charge the batteries from the gen set.
I think Kita and I'll go for a run out the driveway this afternoon to pack it down. I haven't been out that way since I took the truck to Frasertown. I know that I should be working on the fire wood, but my wrist is sore. I hurt it a couple of years ago, and every time it starts to feel better, I do something to reinjure it. The last culprit was lifting Deke's dead snow machine onto his truck.