The sun popped out for a couple of hours in the afternoon which gave us a sun set for the first time since I can't remember.

This morning ice had formed half way to the narrows.

This afternoon, even though the temp is -3, the ice has gotten across the lake.

I went to town again yesterday, three times in one week. I think I picked up a bug or something, you people are sick! The human race would be a lot better off with a few less humans, and a little more racing. If you can not drive 120 kph in a white out, then get off the road. And Granny in Twin Pines, just because your daughter goes grocery shopping, doesn't mean that you go with her and push two carts that only have your grand kids in them. And, same Granny, when I'm at a red light in the left lane, I'm turning left. When you are in the right lane, you DO NOT turn left in front of me!
OK, I feel better now that I got that off of my chest. I'm going to have to give up the "Luckiest Guy" title. So far this week I have repaired a water heater that wasn't broken, replaced a generator that wasn't broken. Then yesterday while driving the Notman road, with some drifts about two feet, my truck almost caught fire. Snow had piled up in the fan for the transmission cooler and stopped it from turning. Cleared the snow and all's well. Yesterday I left the truck at Frasertown for the winter. I've been dragging my heels on this because I was hoping that the two propane tanks that are in use would run out and I could fill them and have six full ones for the winter. You guessed it, they ran out while cooking supper last night. So I'm all alone, semi isolated, and sorry, I can't come and give you a hand with out a great deal of effort.
I stole this one from Garfield, but it fits.
Dear Santa,
My name is Frank. I have been good all year. My dog, Kita, has been good all year too. My cat, George, ....says "Hi".
All I want for xmas is six inches of good ice so I can spend time with the super kids when they come to North Bay. It's a lot easier to zip across the lake than it is to drive twenty kilometers to the truck. The weather channel is calling for over night temps of -9c and enviroment Canada is calling for -14c.
Hang in there Frank... I am sure you will get everything on your wish list. Hope you are feeling better. TTSK
I think some of your crazy North Bay Drivers were down here for our first Snow Fall ... You can have them back!!! So it won't be long before we can sled to your place eh? I can't wait to see the Ice again!!!
Your pictures are peaceful and serene...but apparently, not too far away, aggravation... lerks about...sniffing out the vulnerable...
But I'm glad "it's" off your chest and you feel better. I see, even in the "FAR NORTH" you can't avoid THEM! (People without COMMON SENSE - Yet! They thrive! So...what is with that?"
Arch says he likes the letter to Santa. "Can we write one too? Where Timmy says..."HI"?"
Here's hoping your weather co-operates with your wishes - so you can zippity-do-duh across the lake all winter long!
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