Not much better today.

I'm too darn tired to argue with you non-believers. You seem to forget that I'm insensitive. Yes, I did jump in, yes there was ice in the narrows and none on my shore. If anybody wants to come over, we can do it together, but since the dock is out, it'll be much more painful getting deep enough to dive under.
Tuesday I was going to put the boat to bed for the winter, but I got a call to go to town and help my old work mate Denis move. He got parole from "the man" and is off to Manitoba. I didn't get home till 8:30. Kita stayed in the truck all day except for a couple of hydrant breaks. A bunch of moose had been playing on the road a couple of hundred meters from my gate so I had to Keep Kita in the house. He was not impressed.
Yesterday I put the boat to bed, remove batteries, winterize motor, etc. In the fog and drizzle all day. Oh yeah, I managed to repair the water heater too.
This morning I went to start the generator to charge the batteries and do laundry. The generator wouldn't start! So, off I go to the Birkby's to borrow their back up gen set. I couldn't remember the combo to the lock on their second gate, so I had to drag the gen set up their hill to the truck. I couldn't find the key, so off to the Kelly's and borrow a key from them. Get home, unload the heavy !!@@**. I go in the generator shed to pull mine out, give it a kick, and pull the engine over with frustration, and it starts! !!@!@@***#@!@#. Then I have to drag the Birkby's generator around back and into the garage. This gen set has the worst excuse for a set of wheels, very narrow and sinks in the ground and gets stuck. Oh my aching back. Any way, batteries are now charged and three loads of laundry done.
I think I'll go to town tomorrow and on Saturday I'll take the truck to Frasertown for the winter. Isolation!
Too tired to comment on your blogs, but I did check them all out.
Yes Sis, George has the mouse by the tail. He normally whacks them quickly and eats them up, but that night he had some sport.
C, I'm not sure where the "Razor" came from. Maybe it's one of those negative nick names, like when your mother calls you Jesus when you are bad??? I don't think I can be managed, been there done that. Publicist? I try to lay low. Accountant? Funny!
Michelle, I can see where you get your smarts from. Your welcome.
Up yours Razor.
Up yours Whitey.
Up your Rich.
Haven't seen much of Ron and the Pickerel Queen lately.

Glad to see your posting today, I was getting worried, we hadn't heard from you, I thought something important fell of in that cold water..........you know your typing finger.
I believe that you were in that ice cold water. Our family walks that fine line of crazy/brilliant. That's why we are good at trivia and think it is acceptable to drink till you are "tired".
Hi, there! Won't keep you - I understand you are a busy man. Winter's coming... Although, there isn't much evidence of it here. Yet. Snow is mentioned in the forcast for Monday. We'll see. Today the temperature is in the double digits with rain falling. Hard to believe it is December 1.
Anne Chisholm's Christmas card arrived in the mail yesterday. That makes 2. We do well to get any, because I don't send out too many, if any. Since Xmas is not my favourite time of year, it depends on how strong my denial is at the time cards should be done. Not looking good this year. I have made a mental note to dig out my Grinch to perch on my shelf at work. Oh, C, batteries, too. (He sings...)"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch!'
I had fun with the "did he or didn't he jump" controversy. You should be pleased with yourself!Inspired move!
i think the only thing you get to take credit for is the nose. so yeah, um, thanks.
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