Sunset Friday night.

No pics on Saturday. I wasn't allowed to see day light until I had a generator hooked up to a fancy dancy solar system. But I did have a really good steak and crab leg supper.
This one is for you Arch. Ya just gotta play with 'im before you get to the crunchy parts.

Fog yesterday morning.

Breaking ice on the way back from Frasertown yesterday afternoon. I guess it's time to take the boat out now.

This morning I took out the dock and boat. I started at 9 and finished at noon. About 10 minutes later it started raining. Thanks for holding off Mother Nature. The shore looks kind of empty now.

great picture of you in the water this summer frank!i see you even have your gullible bloggers fooled,its pretty easy to trick ttsk,as well as other members of her knieve family good try frank!maybe you can hook up a 600volt lie detecter test with slate's new solar system to shock yourself back into reality! cheers,razor
I can see the counter going balistic, once the word is out! Very tastefully done! You could become Little Tomiko's pin up "boy"! You could make a calendar and sell it to the summer "woosies" and use the funds to buy more shrimp for George and a sun lamp for Kita.
Speaking of George, I shall be imparting to Arch, George's lesson on rodent catching etiquette. I can see Arch goin' for it...
See, with the book you should write on Eating Great on a Pension and the renting out of your A-Frame to those who want a wilderness experience - no, wait, you might not go for that idea...Let me rethink that one...
Listen, it seems you might need Manager? Publicist? Accountant? I'd offer, but I want to retire!!!!
PS I can only be called gullible by my friends...I see Mr. Razor didn't take you up on your hand holding offer. Before I call him a chicken-shit, why is he called Razor???
You are so brave! I have the shivers just looking at that - I bet you wish you had a Hot Tub to jumb into after that. On another note, does George really have that mouse by the tail? You have such an interesting life!
hi Frank...amazing...ice in the narrows...but not by your dock...i think Donnie is on to you....frankie...from vancouver where our 50 mm of rain last week is now 25 cm of the white stuff now...and my folks left sat. to drive out here from the Bay...guess they'll feel at home eh....
No way Frank, Im with Don.Old picture new posting. I think that we should be there for the next pic.
I'm with Don and Chris ... I think we know you too well!! Although I don't want to be there for the next pic ... I dont' want to scar my young innocent life yet. Take care and Say Hi to everyone for me.
perhaps next time, you should bring in a newspaper with the date on it or something? i have no doubt that you actually did this.
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