Yesterday was a nasty day. Winds in the high 20's with sticky snow. Come on mother nature, work with me. We can't make good ice if you keep insulating it with snow.

Sun rise this morning. Another good solar day. I can take two nice days followed by a bad day followed by two more nice days.

About half an hour ago.

Since yesterday was crappy, I stayed in most of the day. Just cleaned up and made bread. I found a new favorite food. I might even stop being a carnivore! Fried bread, or dough boys. You fry up raw bread dough and then, while still hot, dip it in butter and sugar. YUMMMMIE!!! Nana Cox used to make it foe us in Nfld. Newfies might have a different name for it, they usually do.
Today I shoveled a little snow and cleaned up the garage again. A few weeks ago I tore it up looking for a fuse block for Razor, and then tore it up looking for a twist lock plug for Mr. Slate. Then I dumped everything that was in the boat in the middle of the floor.
Then I moved four oil tanks that I found while brush cutting. I was supposed to cut them in half and take them to the dump this summer, but if you look back in the archives, you'll remember that I was a little busy. Any way, the tanks were frozen to the ground. I used a splitting maul to beat them loose, and when I was done, I couldn't find the splitter. I hope I don't find it with the snow blower. I'll drag the tanks across the lake and take them to the dump.
I walked on the lake today, not too far out. I think, in case of an emergency you could walk across if you had a long pole. I had the snow machine out today, just around the property. Tomorrow I might go out the drive way. This year I was the first to walk across the lake, first one in a canoe, first in a boat, and last one in a boat. But I think I'll let Razor be the first one on a snow machine. He doesn't have a blog, so he wouldn't be missed if he went through.
1 comment:
Continuing where I left off yesterday...Where were you and your rifle??
Your Aunt Bessie makes those dough thingies. She pours heated molasses over 'em. Fattening tho', Frank! Very fattening. Bessie used to be very thin but after years of bein' a closet dough thingie eater with lots of hot molasses - she lost her girlish figure.
You don't want to give up being L T's pin-up boy and become the Doughboy of L T!
Next summer is coming...and some of us ARE expecting the jump off the dock with picture to become a tradition. Regarding the picture...next year, could you zoom in just a little closer??
Thanking you in advance,
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