I spent half the day yesterday cutting down some storm damaged trees and dragging them to the wood pile. It started to rain so I came in and organized some CTC money. A few years ago, I bought a brush cutter and some other stuff, about $400 of CTC money. The outdoor section had a cashier out side. It was a breezy day and the cashier kept losing count. I don't think that she has recovered to this day.

Drying out beside the wood stove. You can't see it, but Kita has one eye on that stupid cat.

You might not want to look at the next picture. It turns my stomach. We've had half an inch of rain since yesterday and the temp is +4c. If this keeps up, I'll canoe to the truck. I'm believing in this global warming thing. They said on the news that the oceans will rise a meter by 2040. But don't worry, Winston Harper (he has that Churchill shape) and the Conservatives have a plan to save the world by 2050! Mother Nature, your not my favorite lady any more. Speaking of favorite ladies, I wonder how Shirley is doing in the sun shine state.

That's it from the hot and soggy near north. Think cold!
The trick to CTM is to remember to take it with you the next time you go to CT. Otherwise it just collects and decorates the fridge door.
Yep! It's time to move. The storm surge from Hurricane Juan swept water to the bottom of our street. So, we are close to being washed away as the polar ice cap melts.
Today began clear and crisp (-7 or so) and now at sunset it has clouded over and the temp has risen to 5 + and going higher. Rain is supposed to happen some time during the night. Probably what you had yesterday and sent our way. Thanks!
Time to go - shut down the computer - head home in the dark - feed the doggies, work on Mr. Bill's poetry - then fill the tub with lots of hot water, fall in...and fall asleep! Until the water gets cold...Brrrr
kaeden and i were just reading yesterday that the Atlantic Ocean alone gets wider by 1" every year.
hi frank,wether sleet rain or snow, the mail will be delivered to you friday afternoon or saturday via atv. hows that for service? make sure the delivery mans favourite brew is well chilled.would you like me to put my atv in the back of your dodge and deliver it back? let me know if you need anything else regards,razor
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