Christmas eve morning.

A herd of wolf tracks on the Notman road.

Xmas eve sunset from Frasertown.

The Tomiko crew digging in.

Kita likes his new bunny. Thanks Mr. Slate.

I went to town Xmas eve and spent a little time with Michelle's family. Ellia was just getting over a stomach flue, so it wasn't too long. I'll see them all again tomorrow. That evening I went to Frasertown for a really nice get together. Ya better hurry back Shirley, I think Catherine wants to mow your grass! Since Joseph's family is still in Michigan, I delayed getting together with the Slotes till they can make it here. We had a dusting of snow, so we had an off-white Christmas. I was going to have a stuffed chicken for supper, but it didn't smell good, so I had pea meal bacon and pancakes. Ho Ho Ho.
The lake is wide open on the Tomiko Pond side of the lake. It is supposed to down to -10 tonight. Not really good, but it's a start. That's it for today, remember, think COLD!
The house is quiet. Rob is watching TV in his room, Tim is snuggled in his chair, Archie is bundled up in the fleece blankie Gloria gave me (don't tell G, she'll get miffed I did that), John has gone to Frank's to watch the Jr.'s Hockey game...and I, left to my own devices, thought I should spend the time sifting through recent pics for Blogging.
Of course, the first thing to do is put on suitable tunes. Today, it's the Dixie Chicks latest CD - It is a gift from Rob...
Then, before I head to the Dashboard, I have to check in on every one else - in case I missed something... Whoa! Another FB entry ! I thought you would be taking some "time off" and we, the addicted, would have to make do drinking ourselves numb, waiting...
Thanks for the fix!
I guess I better mosey: I "owe" the dashboard another entry as someone pointed out yesterday...
We hear from the southern visiting chick that it is your B-Day tomorrow, so have a happy, happy.
Keep the cold weather, ice and snow comming.
Dave and Sharon
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