Thursday evening I let Kita out around 10:00. I always check up on him because of his past wanderings. I saw him, in the moon light, on the lake. I grabbed a flash light and ran out side and almost ran over him. I shone the light on the lake in time to see the tail of a wolf disappear behind some trees and another wolf right at the shore. They both took off. Kita didn't see them, but smelled something different. I brought him right back in. Yesterday he was edgy all day, so I kept an eye on him and wouldn't let him go on his normal patrols.
Wolf tracks on the lake. As best as I could figure, there were three of them. Their tracks were going in circles and crossing over each other.

Yesterday morning was another great solar day.

In the afternoon we went for a sled ride out to the Notman road. This is a trapper shack on the Brule Lake road. Razor doesn't have his new sled yet. Maybe he should have bought a Japanese sled instead of a Mexican one.

Part of my drive way.

The oil drums that I dragged out of the bush. It's hard to believe that things that big were so well hidden that you could not see them.

Sun set last evening.

Nice pic except for the con trail. Go away civilization. Speaking of civilization, it seems that the lights from North Bay are getting brighter, ruining my star gazing. All you hear about in the news is how expensive electricity is and that Ontario doesn't have enough. DUH!

I stuck a piece of plywood up for a bird feeder the day before the wolves came. TT thinks that I should nurture nature instead of eating it. This morning the whiskey jacks found it and cleaned it out in an hour. I don't have any bird seed so I gave them old bread and some old shrimp.

Not a nice day today. The temp is zero and the wind is howling. This morning I fixed the charger for Razor's flash light if he wants to come and get it. Oh yeah, I found the splitting maul this morning.
I guess Joc, er, I mean Jake starts school today. The little guy is growing like a weed. I forgot to take a pic the last time I was over.
I hear that my mail, xmas cards, are piling up in the Frasertown post office, you would think that they could deliver.