Well, hello you peeping Toms and Judys. I hear some of you have the DTs from no updates. Get a life of your own. And, I think there might be a twelve step program for that, too. Of course, some of you need a ten day week to fit in all your programs.
I forget when most of these pics were taken.

This one was taken out the side window of the truck while doing 90k on hwy 11.

Sun rise over the salt mine.

I know that this was last evening.

Tuesday, the first day at the salt mines was a chilly one, -32 with a wind chill deep into the -40's. It was weird, the lake was really slushy. Wednesday morning, the lake was worse. Then the temp rose to -7 in the afternoon and the lake hardened up good.(???) That evening I had supper with Mr. and Mrs. K.. Caesar salad with homemade croutons, French onion soup, shrimp, prime roast beef, and lemon meringue pie. Shirley, ya better get back soon, I don't know how long I can hold out! Kita enjoys spending the day with Mrs. K.
Being on vacation from retirement is ok, except for being on the go so early. Speaking of early, which one of you was supposed to remind me to turn off all of the alarm clocks last night? They are a pretty good bunch of guys at the shop. And speaking of work, you guys at Nasty Puke, ( that's the place that used to pay me),do you know that there are people out there that actually work for a living and make contributions to society? Stop your whining. Another problem is the house work piles up. I usually HAVE to vacuum every second day to get rid of George's hair, so the place is pretty dirty. I wonder if Molly Maid have dog sleds? But, since I got up at 5:30 this am, vacuuming and 3 loads of laundry are done already. George has some really bad knots on his back legs and other areas that he can't reach while grooming 'cause he's so fat, where he REALLY doesn't like being touched. He has let me start trimming and he looks full of holes. He says, no pics, or he'll slice and dice and Julian fry me.
So, thanks to George Dub Ya, we have to put our clocks ahead tonight. (DON"T FORGET TO CHANGE THE BATTERIES IN YOUR SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS)That means I'll have to cross the lake in the morning, in the dark. The temp is going up to PLUS 8 for the next couple of days. Hopefully the lake stays good till I'm done my vacation.
There, I think your all caught up now, I'll get back to you, whenever.
another day in the salt mine?...how cliche
The cliche queen is in a bit of a snit because she missed the obvious and the "newbie" (that's my word - she said "interloper")had the nerve to be the first to make comment.
I think she is really upset because her age is showing and she is not as sharp witted as she used to be.
Gotta go...It's another day in Paradise...
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