Happy first day of bug season.
Monday evening we had a rain/snow mix at 0c. Tuesday morning saw -21c and every thing covered in a thin film of ice. Here's a view of the A frame through the door on the deck.

Every time we go to Frasertown, Kita has to stop at a new beaver house to see if anybody is home. This house wasn't here in August.

Sun set last evening.

Shalom Sheila, a "crunchy" person is the new hip lingo for someone who is down with mother nature, self healing, touchy-feely, kind to fellow man/woman, etc. In our day, we might say, hippy chick. I think that they get crunchy from granola, that's my best guess, any way. So, peace on Dudette!
I'm afraid that Kita is going to cause you some gray hairs with his disappearing acts - you'll have to come up with some sort of tracking devise or maybe a rope.
Oh, Margaret,you "kill me"! Thanks for tickling my "funny bone"! And, thanks, too for leaving all the comments on the Miller Blog.
I am curious to see what "magic trick" Frank comes up with as a solution to the disappearing doggie act. AbraKadabra!
Frank, I really like your "icy window" pic. Took me a moment to focus and "see" the A Frame.
I expect you are planning on a full night's sleep, tonight! AbraKadabra!
Hi Frank,
Jose called to read your nice explanation of a "crunchy person". I had already thought of "granola" which I used to make in the 60's. Since I live in that time warp most of the time, you are right on with that definition.
Robert Heinlein's book is a great choice. Makes me think of my old "bible", Erik Fromm's "Sane Society". It really validates that feeling of "otherness" that we eccentrics have. According to Erik, there have always been a small number of sensitive souls who know there is something terribly wrong in the world,and being brave enough to acknowledge it and,sometimes,even become ill from it, we are in the minority. We are like the child who was the only one to notice that the "Emperor wore no clothes". No one wants to hear the truth.
I like the way you deal with your eccentricity, Frank. You celebrate it. That's really the only answer to the chaos out there.
As a bona fide "hippie chick", I was one of the people who actually meant it, in the 60's, about wanting to see the world become a better place. The hardest thing a person can do, each day, is to get up and truly be themselves. Too many people are invested in denial and do not want the truth. Now, I just make sure that I stick with the small number of people in my life that "get it" and get me.
All the best,
Shalom Sheila
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