While I was waving at the world, (washing windows) on Friday, this raven showed up. I think it was checking to see if Kita, who was sleeping about 4 feet away, was alive. The raven was pretty agile when Kita woke up.

Thermometer in the sun. Pic taken through a clean window.

Yesterday I tackled the shower. It's white too!!?? Now, the Hermit Swami has to learn you something. (You start your own Internet cult and you can pick your own name.) If you find yourself attached to your eyes and lungs, do not use 3 or 4 chemicals in an enclosed shower.

Yesterday around 1 0'clock. Doesn't it just make your heart go pitter-patter? Maybe they will cancel spring and jump right to July. I could live with that, if I had to. I'd rather go from March to October. Today they are forecasting a larva hatching temp of +13. Unlucky number.

I got a lot done this week. I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, windows, chimney. Yesterday I also made bread and did laundry. I emptied the litter boxes, George's and mine. You are probably wondering why all the cleaning. Well, as the temp rises, our fair weather friends will start coming north, and I do get the odd visitor. Some odder than others. I don't know where all this energy is coming from. Generally I believe that you are born with "X" amount of energy, and when you use it up, you just fade away.
I think our cult needs a name. How about The Church of the Blessed Virgin White Snow?

Sis, since you probably cleaned last year, and spring cleaning occurs every 16 years, I'll pencil you in for the spring of 2022.
C, you can pop in for a coffee.
Shalom Sheila, usually I think that cleanliness is next to insanity, (did I get that cliche right, Queen?) As for the pics, ya gotta keep them wanting for more, or it just gets old, and saggy. Kita has a "bone", (that pun is for you, Tim), to pick with you. HE says that HE might not be the man HE used to be, but HE was never a girl. And, he knows HE's cute, er, handsome.
I know that lately that we have had some super intelligent people commenting, and some of you old commenter's might feel intimidated, but we can read slow, so don't be so shy.
Hey Frank,
Your place looks wonderful. Kudos to you, man. Sorry about Kita. He's just so pretty, he would have made a great girl. Love him no matter what his gender is.
Just got an amazing postcard from my son who is travelling with his Dad in New Zealand. I didn't know the kid could write so well. They are having a fabulous father/son bonding time,going on two day hikes through the South Island alps and visiting my daughter in Auckland. So, Frank, if you feel lonesome for your kids, just think of Shalom Sheila who is 8,000 miles from her precious firstborn. I will get to see them all, briefly, in July, when my other daughter, Brookie, gets married. She and her Dave have been together for 7 years, and they are celebrating that fact by getting married on the 7th month, the 7th day, in the 7th year - aka July 7, 2007. There's gotta be some luck in that. And she is such a cool person, she only wants her sibs, parents and grandparents - a grand total of 20 people. Pretty darn considerate, huh?
Yeah, Frank, you are right to keep em guessing with those pictures. I love to see the lake in all of its different moments. There is never a time when Mother Nature is not beautiful.
I'm spending the day doing catch up stuff, laundry,getting ready to paint my new place - a very soft, leaf green. The greyness outside makes it hard to motivate myself. But, I just gotta keep on truckin'.
Have a good Sunday.
Shalom Sheila
Prioritizing and multitasking are highly valued skills that I see you brought with you into retirement!
"Capital, simply capital!" That's the Cliche Queen quoting one of her sources. (Chip n Dale if I remember correctly. Better 'n Daffy Duck, tho' if I do say so myself. ) CQ, as you may have noted is not too accurate or original..."Cleanliness - next to Godliness", she says, but you know that!
I think it would be "simply capital" if we all showed up next summer at Margaret's to work at cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. We could camp out by the river...Wouldn't she be surprised!
The poor raven seems to be suffering from a persecution complex. He wants to be friends but he knows nobody likes him.
Saw my first ant Friday. Summer IS coming!
There is humungus satisfaction to be had knowing your humble abode is ready for company. It was a lot of work - I know - Pat yourself on the back. Cliche says, "Women's work is never done! So many men, so little time!"
Coffee, did someone say coffee? I'll be right over! Just black, please.
i, for one, would be thrilled if you showed a little less of your "true self" on this blog...
who wants to see thier father naked on the internet?!??! eww!
thank you Michelle, I mean don't we have special programs in our computers to keep that stuff out?
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