What do you do after you go on a tear around Little Tomiko on a Tuesday night? Take two asprins and set the alarm clock for Thursday. Who says that pets can't learn from their owners?

Waves on the ice yesterday morning.

The sun came out in the afternoon.

Last evening.

I put Kita on a chain Wednesday night. He actually looked embarrassed. Last night he came right in.
I'd like to say that I spent all day yesterday doing spring cleaning, but I found a bunch of excuses to delay it. I'm starting to think that spring cleaning should be done EVERY year??? I assumed (there's a cliche for that too" that when people said that they were "done" with spring cleaning, that they picked a spring, and never had to do it again. After I started, I thought that if I had waited another 10 or 15 years, everything would have matched the stove. Now, some of you thought that it was funny that the pencil marks and finger prints from when I installed the cabinets were still there. Ha, ha funny, I hope. I thought cleaning would be easier using "Mean Green super strength. WHAT! If it cleans grease off you car engine, it should really clean a kitchen. It will also remove silicone caulking. I didn't read part on the bottle. May be I'll do windows today, or not. OK, put your sun glasses on

Shalom Hippy Chick: finally, somebody who gets it!
Your kitchen looks clean, tidy and inviting! Sigh! Now I have this terrible urge to go home and bring mine up to standard.
Hey, do you hire yourself out? I have 7 little houses to house clean, plus our house and my best cleaning girl just told me she is moving to Windsor so she won't be working for us this year! As C says, Sigh!
Hi Frank,
I wrote you a comment, but it did not seem to get published, so here goes again.
I will be sending you a bill from my eye doctor, as I have been blinded by the light coming off your kitchen counter! Very impressive for a guy who is a spring hermit. Actually, very impressive for anyone!
My idea of spring cleaning is to treat it as a disease and lie down till the feeling goes away...
Seriously, I heard that if you leave the dust alone, it won't get any worse after two years. Just a thought. But then, I have not been feeling myself lately. The last time I was feeling myself, I got arrested.
Now that your place is all buffed up, you could buff yourself up and plant another online line picture of you in the "spring buff".
Happy Robin sightings. I love your pictures, and Kita could not get cuter. She would have me eating out of the palm of her paw.
Shalom Sheila
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